How Small are Ticks?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 26, 2024

Cleveland tick control may be necessary to keep these tiny parasites away

The outdoors is rife with all kinds of pests during the outdoor living season. Not all are as dangerous as others, however. One of the worst, and one that is frequently in the news, is the notorious tick. Nymph ticks, the juvenile tick form, can be as small as a poppy seed and adults max out near the size of an apple seed and should be pretty noticeable. These tiny parasites are minuscule, ancient, and a growing health hazard. So, how can you recognize when a tick has been attached to you?

Telltale Signs of Ticks Bites

One of the difficulties we face with ticks is noticing when a tick has delivered a bite. When attached, adult ticks can be fairly obvious, but the smallest nymph ticks are an entirely different story and can easily be mistaken for a mole or tiny freckle. A telltale sign that ticks are still attached is if they are no longer flat and have turned from a deep red to a brown or grayish color. This is a clear indicator that the tick has been attached for up to 36 hours and has filled with blood. Unfortunately, ticks staying attached for longer than 24 hours raises some concerns. Indeed, Lyme disease can transfer from a tick to a human somewhere between 24-48 hours after attachment. It is vital to try and avoid this possibility, so there are a couple of things you can do. Firstly, conducting frequent tick checks with the aid of friends and family can help identify if ticks have attached in hard-to-see places. Removing tick-habitat such as long grass, leaf litter, and yard waste from your yard is also helpful.

Secondly, relying on professional tick control is the best way to help defend against ticks making their way onto your property.

Tick Control in Cleveland from Seasoned Experts

At Mosquito Squad, we work diligently to ensure our customers can enjoy their outdoor living spaces without constant harassment from dangerous pests such as ticks. With our expert Cleveland tick control services, you can expect a dramatic reduction in the tick population on your property, allowing you to savor the yard like never before.

Ticks can be as small as a poppy seed. With Lyme disease on the rise, professional tick control is the best way to fight these parasites. For powerful Cleveland tick control, rely on our team at Mosquito Squad of Chattanooga & NW Georgia! We’ve got your back. Give us a call today at (423) 403-3513 to learn more about us or to sign up for your first treatment. 

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