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Ticks Are a Public Health Threat, How Do You Defend Against Them?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 19, 2023

Ticks Are a Public Health Threat, How Do You Defend Against Them?

Summer is always a time to leave the comfort of the indoors to enjoy the warmest weather of the year, but there are a few things to consider before you head to the outdoors. Living in the South has a lot of perks, but ticks represent a significant risk to outdoor enjoyment and our health. What makes ticks so dangerous, though? There are a few factors. The most obvious answer is the consistently warm temperatures we have in the south. Ticks are active if temperatures remain above freezing, and freezing temperatures only occur for a small fraction of the year. With an especially long tick season comes increased chances of encountering ticks in your outdoor living space.

Furthermore, ticks don’t just deliver bites; they can also transmit diseases that can have severe consequences for your health in both the short and long term. Lyme disease, for example, often goes undiagnosed due to symptoms that can be easily confused with the flu and common cold. Over time, however, this disease can cause serious side effects like joint pain & swelling and short-term memory loss. Another factor that plays into the spread of tick-borne diseases is the variable size of ticks. Fully mature ticks can be as large as a pea, but their earlier stages, known as nymph ticks, can be as small as a poppy seed, making them incredibly hard to see and feel. Indeed, deer ticks in their nymph form are the main cause of Lyme disease in the United States. Clearly, there is a genuine need for tick control throughout our region, but only a few sources can be trusted for effective treatments. This is where Mosquito Squad comes in.

Powhatan tick control is key to summer enjoyment

At Mosquito Squad, we’ve worked diligently since 2005 to ensure our customers are defended against ticks and the diseases they carry. With the help of our barrier protection spray and our highly trained technicians, we can guarantee a dramatic reduction in the tick population on your property. To defend your health, make sure you choose professional tick control that doesn’t mess around. With nearly 20 years of experience in the tick control industry, we are proud to call ourselves one of the nation’s leading experts on tick defense.

Don’t let ticks or their diseases ruin your summer. For Powhatan tick control you can trust, look no further than Mosquito Squad of Central VA. Give us a call at (804) 409-2710

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