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Why Do Ticks Suck Blood?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 19, 2023

When summer returns next year do you have plans to take to the outdoors? While winter weather will occupy our minds for the next several months, there are many things to look forward to in the summer, and many of us prioritize spending a lot of time outside. We are fortunate to have excellent summer weather, so the end of winter always seems like a huge relief. However, there is a downside to summer's beginning. Ticks will reappear as soon as the temperature rises above freezing as they eagerly anticipate a blood meal from an unknowing victim. Ticks are parasites that wait for an easy meal by hiding out in your yard's shadows, tall grass, and other spots. Ticks are true parasites, strictly feeding on the blood of their victims, and they are also capable of transmitting dangerous pathogens like Lyme disease.

Tick borne diseases Massachusetts

Ticks often live for three years, which is a long lifespan for an insect. In that time, they travel from victim to victim, picking up illnesses along the way. And once they latch onto you, they can remain there for up to 10 days. Many tick species have this ability, which gives rise to a worrisome capacity for disease transmission. Unfortunately, there are several tick species that can infect both humans and animals with illnesses. The deer tick, which is mostly to blame for the development of Lyme disease in our portion of the United States, is of special concern in our area. Ticks only feed a few times in their lifetime, but the effects a single bite can have on our bodies can be devastating. Upon biting you, a tick will proceed to burrow its head into your body where it can suck blood most efficiently. Some diseases like the Powassan virus can transmit in mere minutes, and Lyme disease takes anywhere from 24-48 hours. All tick-borne diseases can have severe consequences, so it pays off to stay wary of these creatures.

With nearly 20 years of experience in the industry, Mosquito Squad works tirelessly to ensure our customers are defended against ticks and the diseases they can carry. With the help of our powerful treatment options and our highly trained technicians, we can guarantee a substantial reduction in the tick population on your property. Rather than take risks with your health, take the initiative to control ticks that could be carrying diseases into your yard.

Ticks suck blood for nutrients, but they can transmit diseases to us in the process. To defend against ticks this spring, trust the experts at Mosquito Squad of Boston Metro South for help! Give us a call at (781) 471-5793.

Also read: Do ticks suck blood?