CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

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Stop Ticks from Ruining Your Camping Trip

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 19, 2023

You’ve been looking forward to camping outdoors for the longest time now that life is returning to a more normal form of normal. You’ve been online scouring the Web for the latest and greatest clothing, tools, and accessories to ensure that this will be your camping trip of a lifetime. But here is a friendly word of caution from the tick control experts at Mosquito Squad. At all costs, avoid getting tick sick on your camping trip.

Ticks – they are out for blood.

When ticks attach to you, your family, and your pets, they are looking for one thing. They’re out for blood. Literally. Be sure that all members of your camping party are well clothed, covering areas of their body that may normally be exposed. And that means NO CAMPING SHORTS, NO SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS and BE SURE TO WEAR SOCKS.

The better covered your body is, the less likely a tick will come into contact with you. But that’s only half of it. When you get back indoors, check everything as a tick may be on your clothing and is hoping for a way to crawl in.

And if your family pets have joined the outing, be extra careful of your furry friends. Ticks love feasting on pets as well as humans, rotten pests that they are. They are always out for blood, from any unknowing host.

Keep your yard protected from ticks all year long.

Unfortunately, you can’t take Mosquito Squad tick control with you while camping. But you can make sure your home is protected every day of the year. Our Mosquito Squad brand champion Dread Skeeter refers to our time-tested tick elimination protocol as the “one-two punch.” It works like this.

#1: During the spring and summer months back at home, have Mosquito Squad protect the areas around your home and deep into your backyard with our tick treatment control sprays. Our highly acclaimed treatment forms a barrier that will kill adult ticks on contact.

#2: Once winter and cooler weather arrives, have The Squad place tick destroying tick tubes around your home and throughout your backyard. As ticks are always looking for a “free ride,” they will cling onto field mice around your exterior property. Mice carry tick-exterminating cotton filaments from inside the tick tubes to places where they and ticks love to nest during colder weather – like piles of leaves, tall grasses, and wood piles. Then the tick tubes exterminating filaments kill the ticks.

Mosquito Squad is dedicated to eliminating dangerous ticks.

Luckily for all of us, 16 years ago Mosquito Squad invented the tick elimination and mosquito control business. And luckily for us, we get even smarter and better informed about newer technologies to further enhance our tick fighting arsenal every year. Remember this wisdom from Jason Cameron, licensed contractor and television host, who is a good friend of The Squad. In 95 seconds, you can learn these invaluable 6 steps to eliminate ticks around your home and throughout your back yard.

Simply the best. That’s Mosquito Squad. Get in touch with Mosquito Squad of Boston Metro South to discuss our tick control and protection for your home. Call us at (781) 471-5793 to learn more.