CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

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Pest Control South Boston for Biting Pests

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 19, 2023

As the summer months progress, biting pests become a significant concern for homeowners in Boston Metro South and Canton. Mosquitoes and ticks are not only a nuisance, but their bites can lead to severe health complications. This is where professional pest control steps in, adding an expert touch to resolve a significant problem.

Pest Control South Boston, No One Wants Mosquito and Tick Bites

Apart from causing itchy, irritating bites, mosquitoes and ticks can also transmit diseases. But even if they aren't carriers, the bites themselves can cause severe skin reactions in some people. For ticks, the situation can be even more concerning. If a tick is not properly removed, parts of it can remain in the skin and cause an infection. At Mosquito Squad of Boston Metro South, our pest control services are designed to help you avoid these unpleasant encounters. We use proven methods and products to reduce the mosquito and tick populations in your yard, providing you and your family with peace of mind.

Canton Mosquito Control Options

Residents of Canton, we haven't forgotten about you. Our team at Mosquito Squad offers a range of effective mosquito control options to help defend your yard and your well-being. From mosquito and tick barrier treatments to our special event sprays, we've got you covered. Each of our solutions is designed to interrupt the lifecycle of mosquitoes, reducing their populations and your chances of getting bitten.

South Boston Pest Control for Ticks, Spray and Tick Tubes

But what about ticks? Don't worry, we have specialized treatments for these pests as well. In addition to our traditional spray, we offer tick tubes. These cleverly designed tubes contain treated cotton that mice, the primary hosts of tick larvae, take back to their nests. The tick larvae come into contact with the treated cotton and are eliminated before they can mature and pose a threat. The mice are unaffected by these treatments.

At Mosquito Squad of Boston Metro South, we're passionate about helping you enjoy your outdoor spaces without the constant worry of biting pests. Contact us today for South Boston pest control! Give us a call at (781) 471-5793.

Also read: Why do ticks suck blood?