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Is Powassan Virus in Massachusetts?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 19, 2023

Is Powassan Virus in Massachusetts?

If your goal is to enjoy this summer by spending lots of time in the outdoors, you’re not alone. Summer weather has firmly established itself throughout our region, and the masses are flocking to their outdoor living spaces. Hosting gatherings, catching up with family and friends, or simply relaxing in your yard are all on the docket this season, which means your outdoor space needs to be ready for activity. Despite our wishes that our time in nature goes undisturbed, there are creatures around that have other ideas. Mosquitoes are usually the insects that come to mind as the biggest nuisance, but there is another bloodsucker that is more dangerous and far more secretive.

What insects are we referring to? Ticks. Throughout the Northeast, ticks are becoming more and more abundant each summer, spelling real trouble for our outdoor living goals. Yes, we want to relax undisturbed by the various creatures that call our yards home, but it’s not up to us unless we take preventative measures. Defending against ticks isn’t just to reduce their nuisance level. These arachnids are perhaps the most dangerous parasites in the United States. Due to their vast population numbers, ticks and human interactions are very high, resulting in high transmission of tick-borne diseases.

Lyme disease is the illness most often in the news, but another, deadlier disease has recently been detected in Massachusetts. Powassan virus is a relatively rare tick-borne disease, but its effects can be devastating. Fortunately, most people who encounter this disease don’t develop symptoms, but those who do show signs of illness face an uncertain future. Powassan virus causes a range of symptoms, but the most notable is encephalitis, a term for swelling of the brain. Everything from headaches to seizures is possible with this disease, and an elderly woman in MA recently passed after developing severe symptoms, highlighting the importance of tick control. Should you develop serious symptoms, the mortality dramatically rises to around 10%. Tick collection in Massachusetts is necessary to track diseases like Powassan virus, and ticks carrying the disease were detected in three counties. Don’t take chances with your health or happiness this summer. Consult the professionals to keep you defended against these creatures.

Who to trust for Randolph tick control?

At Mosquito Squad, we’ve worked diligently since 2005 to defend our customers against ticks and their hazardous pathogens. With the help of our barrier protection spray, which lasts for up to three weeks, we can guarantee a dramatic and sustained reduction in the tick population on your property. Your health is a priority, and we are here to help you defend it.

Powassan virus has been detected in MA and recently caused a fatality. To defend against this disease and others like it, trust Mosquito Squad of Boston Metro South for Randolph tick control. Give us a call at (781) 471-5793!

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