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What Is the Largest Mosquito?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

January 22, 2025

What Is the Largest Mosquito?

When you think of mosquitoes, you probably picture a small insect that bites. However, not all mosquitoes fit this description. Some are significantly larger than your typical skeeter.

Believe it or not, a large size doesn’t necessarily mean they’re worse. Get to know the largest mosquito species in the world!

The Largest Mosquito in the World

Just how big do mosquitoes get? The world’s largest mosquito is the Australian elephant, or Toxorhynchites speciosus. It can grow to just under 1.5 inches long! Australian elephant mosquitoes are native to Australia and Southeast Asia but can be found in damp, moderately warm areas of Europe, South America, and even the US. (They’ve been found in Kansas and Oklahoma.)

Australian elephant mosquitoes aren’t just larger than most, they’re also more eccentric, being active during the day and resting at night.

Are Australian Elephant Mosquitoes Dangerous?

Luckily, Australian elephant mosquitoes don’t bite and aren’t harmful to humans. Adult mosquitoes don’t feed on blood and instead use their proboscis (a mouthpart often used for extracting blood) to feed on plant nectar. Their larvae prey on the larvae of other mosquitoes and are actually beneficial for controlling disease-carrying mosquito populations. Australian elephant mosquito larvae are larger than average mosquito larvae and have stronger mouthparts. This makes it easy for them to grasp other larvae.

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The Largest Biting Mosquito

The gallinipper is another mosquito known for its formidable size. The gallinipper, also known as the shaggy-legged mosquito, can grow up to an inch long and is recognized by its hairy body and yellow and black coloring. This mosquito is native to North and South America and is commonly spotted in Florida. Gallinippers are especially active following heavy rainfall or flooding.

Are Gallinipper Mosquitoes Dangerous?

No, but gallinipper mosquitoes are aggressive and bite people and animals. A gallinipper mosquito bite is often more painful than an average mosquito bite due to its larger and more noticeable proboscis.

But gallinippers are not known to carry diseases like some other mosquito species, though they leave a red and itchy bite. While they aren’t known to spread diseases, their aggressive behavior and painful bites make them a pest you’d rather not share your yard with.

Mosquito Size Ranges

All bugs considered, the average length of a mosquito ranges from just 0.15 to 0.4 inches long. One of the smallest species, the Uranotaenia lowii, or pale-food Uranotaenia, grows up to just under 0.1 inches. For contrast, the Australian elephant mosquito can grow to over 15 times larger than the Uranotaenia lowii mosquito!

Male vs. Female Mosquito Size Differences

Female mosquitoes are typically 10% to 20% larger than male mosquitoes. This is due to their larger reproductive organs and need to store the blood they feed on for egg production.

Related Blog: Why Male Mosquitoes Don’t Bite

Protect Yourself from Small and Giant Mosquitoes

Regardless of the size of a mosquito, we’re guessing you prefer to avoid sharing your space with buzzing pests. Mosquito Squad® can help deter all types of mosquitoes from your property with a mosquito barrier treatment service. Our mosquito control pros identify areas on your property where mosquitoes thrive and breed and target them with a treatment that helps kill mosquitoes and larvae on contact and continues to deter them for up to 21 days. Pair your professional treatment with preventative mosquito measures, such as removing standing water and attracting natural predators like birds by putting out a bird feeder!

The key to keeping mosquito populations in check is to get ahead of the problem – don’t wait until you see giant mosquitoes before acting.

To start protecting your yard, contact your local Squad® today at (877) 332-2239 or request a quote online.