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Mosquito Squad Gives Back

Posted by Mosquito Squad

February 3, 2022

Mosquito Squad Gives Back

Happy Arbor Day and Mosquito Squad Service Day everyone! Today, Mosquito Squad’s across the country gave back to their local communities. Each location decided the best way to help in their area, but I was lucky enough to be part of the effort here in Richmond, VA. Together with Mosquito Squad of North Richmond and Mosquito Squad of South Richmond, we were able to plant 15 trees on a street block in Richmond.

This morning, 30 people gathered in Richmond’s Union Hill neighborhood to plant the trees on a city block that hadn’t had trees since the 1950s. It was great! We had members from the city showing us the best way to plant to ensure the trees grow properly. And just when the digging was getting tough and the weather was getting warm, a neighborhood mom and her two kids came by with lemonade and snacks to thank us for our service.

We at Mosquito Squad are happy to provide our clients with mosquito control for their yard, but we also understand the importance of giving back. Mosquito Squad Service Day was a success here in Richmond! Take a look at the pictures below from today and more information from other Mosquito Squad locations will be coming soon!

Mosquito Squad Service Day

Participants on Mosquito Squad Service Day

Participants Planting a Tree

Trees Ready to Be Planted

Mosquito Squad Service Day Participants Carrying Mulch

Planted Trees for Mosquito Squad Service Day