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  • Ticks tested at Connecticut’s Agricultural Experiment Station provide insight about what percent of Fairfield County ticks carry Lyme Disease

Ticks tested at Connecticut’s Agricultural Experiment Station provide insight about what percent of Fairfield County ticks carry Lyme Disease

Posted by Mosquito Squad

April 14, 2014

Fairfield County residents can submit ticks to Connecticut’s Agricultural Experiment Station for Lyme Disease testing.

Thanks to the testing program, we have some numbers indicating the percentage of the ticks tested that were positive for Lyme Disease. It’s important to note that the numbers below only represent the number of ticks submitted for testing and in no way indicate the number of ticks in the areas listed.

As you can see, the incidences of tick-borne illness in samples submitted are quite high.  For the $3 required for the test, the peace of mind is worth it.   Of course, the results will also be very useful in helping your physician diagnose any symptoms you might have.  Click on this report to view a copy of it, Summary of Tick Testing Results for 2013.

TownTotal IdentifiedTotal TestedTotal PositivePercent Positive

Ticks found on your pets can be sent into the testing center also.

At Mosquito Squad of Bergen and Passaic County, our barrier treatment helps customers protect their families by eliminating ticks around their home.  For yards where ticks are frequently seen, we have an additional program called our tick-tunnel program.  This program will eliminate ticks in the nymph stage of their life cycle.

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