Tick Control for Healthy Pets
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 19, 2023

Are you eager for summer to finally return? We certainly are. The Northeast can truly be a great region in which to enjoy the warm weather, and many people throughout our region are planning to spend lots of time outside. Kids, parents, and pets alike look forward to this time of year for many reasons, and frolicking in the yard is one of the greatest simple pleasures you can enjoy. What could be easier than simply walking out the door to experience your outdoor sanctuary? The natural world has a lot of benefits for physical and mental health, so there is understandably a lot of anticipation going into this part of the year. However, there are certain health risks that you should be aware of before going outside to frolic.
Much to our misfortune, we aren’t the only creatures that like to enjoy the summer, and many are probably lurking around your home. You can probably guess what this animal is. Ticks represent the antithesis of outdoor enjoyment as they await the perfect moment to ruin your day or evening. These arachnids are parasites, latching on to whatever animal is closest to feed on the animal’s blood. While this might seem like a minor but disturbing inconvenience, ticks present a far greater danger to your health and the health of your pets than you realize. Much like humans, your pets are also at risk of developing serious tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and others. Why are these diseases so concerning? Pets can be especially susceptible to tick bites due to their ability to walk through the underbrush and their long hair, which can obscure ticks that have decided to hitch a ride on your pet’s hair. Lyme disease can be fatal in pets, and so are other diseases, so it is vitally important to take precautions against these creatures.
Fortunately, there are some great solutions available to you for tick control
Bergen County tick control is important for human and pet health
At Mosquito Squad, we’ve been defending customers and their pets from ticks since 2005. We take great pride in our work, and we have a long track record of delivering an unmatched tick control service. Using our barrier protection spray, we apply treatments around your property’s border as well as on any potential tick habitat within your yard. Lasting for a maximum of 3 weeks, our spray provides lasting defense when applied every 2 weeks during the spring, summer, and fall with our premium protection program.
Ticks threaten both human and pet health. To defend against ticks throughout the warmer months, contact Mosquito Squad of Bergen & Passaic County for Bergen County tick control. Give us a call at (609) 735-6057.