Tick Control Goes Scorched Earth
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 19, 2023

What is the craziest tick control method you’ve heard of? Ticks are the bane of the outdoor living experience, and they can even impede people’s ability to work outside. Ticks are incredibly invasive parasites that depend on the blood of other organisms to survive, and they are devilishly good at latching onto their victims undetected. Due to their ability to secretively feed and transmit dangerous diseases, it’s evident why tick control is so sought after. In the Northeast, ticks are becoming especially bad. Typically, people associate ticks with the warm, humid climate found in the south, but these arachnids live all over the country. Unfortunately, ticks are far more dangerous in our region due to the prevalence of tick-borne diseases in their populations. From Lyme disease to Powassan virus, tick-borne diseases are incredibly dangerous and are often hard to diagnose, which often opens the door for chronic illnesses. You probably won’t see them until they decide to grab onto you, but ticks are prevalent in residential areas, not just wooded or farmed areas. Thus, there is significant reason to take defensive measures against ticks. For one individual, ticks have become so populous that she has chosen to take a scorched-earth approach to eliminate ticks from her farm.
Tick control of the fiery variety
Elizabeth Jimenez moved from Florida to Maine recently to operate her farm, but she soon discovered the vast scale of her mosquito problem. Just sitting down on the ground, Elizabeth discovered that doing so would result in an aggressive pursuit by tick nearby. To combat her severe tick problem, she has decided to use a controlled burn to clear her property of ticks. While this method will undoubtedly be effective, the resulting new growth will create an ideal habitat where ticks can thrive. Seemingly, there may not be a scenario where her efforts are successful, but you don’t have to worry about torching your property.
Who to look to for Saddle River tick control
At Mosquito Squad, we specialize in treatments that don’t involve fire and fury. And, we are the source for Ho Ho Kus tick control, as well as Montvale tick control. Over our time in the tick control industry, we’ve branched out to ensure our neighbors get the services they deserve. Using our barrier protection spray, which has been proven effective over nearly two decades, we can ensure your property is well-defended against ticks. Lasting for weeks at a time, our treatments are most effective when applied every two weeks. We guarantee results, too, and if you are dissatisfied with your treatment, we’ll return as soon as possible to reinforce your defenses.
Setting fire to tick habitat will eliminate ticks, but don’t do this to your property. For tick control that is proven effective, trust Mosquito Squad of Bergen & Passaic County. Give us a call at (609) 735-6057.