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Some Great Folks in Rye NY Are Helping Fight Malaria In Africa

Posted by Mosquito Squad

June 15, 2014

Who among us likes mosquitoes? It seems not even scientists can find a strong defense for mosquitoes thriving on our planet, according to an article in Nature Journal, Ecology: A world without mosquitoes. There is some great local news out of Rye NY about an organization making a substantial effort to fight a ferocious mosquito-borne disease – the local Rotary.

Rotary International was organized in Chicago in 1905. It has engaged in public service since its inception. The Port Chester-Rye Brook Rotary Club is celebrating its 95th year in our community and has a new president who is passionate about public service and helping children. Rozlyn Carvin is the newly appointed President of the Port Chester-Rye Brook Rotary Club. She is looking for ways to link the local Rotary Club with an organization she started along with her husband, One World United and Virtuous. Their organization won Rotary’s peace award last year.

One World, United and Virtuous, a children’s charity she and her husband established in 2006, got the children in their charity involved in raising money to purchase mosquito nets for children in Africa. Mosquito nets are a low-cost and practical way to reduce the number of adults and children infected by this life-threatening disease. Mosquito nets are effective against malaria yet require no elaborate infrastructure and no ongoing costs to maintain that an underdeveloped continent can’t support.

One World United and Virtuous’ purpose is to provide character education to children starting at fourth grade through high school. Connecting a dislike of mosquitoes and concern for other children in Africa was a good fit to motivate the children of One World United and Virtuous. The children raised enough money to purchase 150 mosquito nets for African children. Another organization they collaborated with, Nothing But Nets (a United Nations Foundation) agreed to match their donation so that 300 nets were purchased to help protect African children from malaria. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) malaria caused 627,000 deaths in 2012, most of which were among African children. One child dies every minute from malaria in Africa, according to WHO. Malaria is the most lethal mosquito-borne infection worldwide.

They are to be applauded for their efforts. We hope everyone in Rye NY will support this program. Sub:BusinessName} would also like the residents of Westchester County and Rye New York know that we have also been supporting the battle against malaria in Africa for three years now. The Rye NY mosquito control services that Mosquito Squad provides, is helping eliminate the deadliest mosquito-borne disease that children and adults in underdeveloped countries face through our financial support of Malaria No More.

Outdoor Living Brands, the parent company for Mosquito Squad has been financially supporting Malaria No More across all of its Mosquito Squad franchises. Our goal is to save 100,000 lives by 2016. Mosquito Squad franchises across the US have pledged contributions to this corporate goal. We want our customers to know that when you purchase our services to eliminate Rye NY mosquitoes, you are helping to save lives in this fight against malaria. We are pleased to lend support to One World United and Virtuous’ effort in helping children and families in Africa.

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