Lyme Disease Prevalence Creates Urgency for Paramus Tick Control
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 19, 2023

As much as we’d like for the summer season to stick around, fall and winter are on the horizon, but you should still keep an eye out for the ticks lurking in your yard. Yes, while the warm weather’s days are numbered, fall weather will remain hot enough to remain habitable for ticks, meaning these creatures will stay nearby for a while longer. Being a resident of the Northeast comes with many benefits during the summer season, but ticks aren’t one of them. For a variety of reasons, the Northeast is one of the worst regions in the country for ticks, which is a troubling fact on a couple of levels.
Why you should consider Paramus tick control
Firstly, ticks can remain attached to their host for up to 10 days at a time, a period when they will harvest blood and a ride. Whether you are a bird, a deer, a rodent, or a human, there is no difference to a tick; they will happily latch, regardless of the animal. Another troubling fact is that the indiscriminate feeding behavior of ticks is responsible for the spread of Lyme disease, which is found throughout our region. As you may know already, Lyme disease is a difficult disease to diagnose, which is an important factor in why there are roughly 300,000 to 400,000 Lyme disease cases every year. In response to the spread of this disease in New Jersey, there are approximately 5,000 doctors in the Paramus area who can treat Lyme disease. In most cases, Lyme disease will present with a telltale rash that is shaped like a target. However, in the absence of this marking, diagnosis becomes more difficult as symptoms often resemble common illnesses. Headaches, fatigue, and fever are common with Lyme disease, so make sure to stay wary of these symptoms if you think you may have been in an area where ticks could reside.
While treatment is essential for Lyme disease, preventative measures can also have a huge impact. That’s why you should consider looking for professional tick control near you.
Who to trust for Paramus tick control
At Mosquito Squad, we’ve worked since 2005 to provide powerful tick defense for our neighbors. With the help of our barrier protection treatments and our highly trained technicians, we can guarantee a dramatic and pronounced reduction in the tick population on your property. Our treatments last for up to 21 days, so treatments every two weeks will keep you defended throughout the remainder of summer and into the fall.
Lyme disease is common in our region. To defend yourself and your family against ticks, trust the professionals at Mosquito Squad of Bergen and Passaic County for Paramus tick control. Give us a call at (609) 735-6057!